Thursday, November 10, 2011

Elaine-Week 22-Chickens!!

My sister, Anna, got chickens about 8 months ago. It has been really exciting for us recently because they have started laying about 5 eggs every day! It was kind of funny, because they sort of all started laying at one time. In the picture above is three of the eight and they are outside their coop in the yard. They like eating the grass, eating the bugs and....
...sitting on my boots! :) It's really funny and pretty cute, but they always jump off when we get the camera out. This is the only picture we have!

~Psalm 104:24-25 "How many are your works, Lord. Out of wisdom you made them all, and the earth is filled with Your wonderful creatures.


  1. What cute pictures! What cute chickens! What cute boots!! What a fun post! Mrs Ward

  2. Chicks are really cute! Very funny that they like sitting on your boots!

  3. Adorable picture of the chick on your boot!
    Are they for eggs only... Not BBQ? :)


Thanks for sharing!

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