Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Esther Ruth

Hello World,
I got this book called "Its (not that) Complicated" for Christmas from my sister Katie. Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin wrote it just this last year. I have only read a few chapters but already I have been encouraged by it. This book talks about how we (as young ladies) should relate to young men in a Godly way. I want to encourage all of you to read it this year. If you are interested in buying it on their website click Here!   

It's (Not That) Complicated cover


  1. looks so cute! i love how modern it looks...ha.
    that sounded funny, oh well. you know what i mean. i love how realatable it looks is what i meant.
    maybe you can loan it to me

  2. I really really want to read that one. :) I love the little "boy + girl = huh?" sign! ;)


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