We're sitting in our RV in a San Antonio RV lot right now! Tomorrow is the first day of the festival, and I'm really excited. My friend and I (and his sister, and his other friends!) are all dressing up in period costume every day of the festival to advertise the brand new Henty Film Coalition! http://www.hentyfilmcoalition.com/index.html This isn't something you want to miss! :) :)
Well, we're suppose to blog about films, so I'm going to blog about one of my very best friend's film: A semi-finalist in the SAICFF (San Antonio Independence Christian Film Festival) "Don't Loose Heart"
If you're going to the festival, please make SURE to go and see this one (if at ALL possible) and give my friend Michelle of Covenant Lens films a BIG round of applause at the end! I KNOW how hard she worked on this, and even though I didn't really do anything I still feel like I was kinda part of the production, since she would call or chat with me and we'd talk about it, she'd ask for ideas and so on. :) :)
Another film I must mention is "Brother's Arise":
This is one of the films on which the HFC helped. They made chain mail and did most of the leather-working too. This is one of the films I'm basically promoting when I'm in my costume.
ANOTHER film that's a must see is "The Forgotten Martyr: Lady Jane Grey"
Many women is history have been forgotten/slandered, but it seems to me that Anne Boleyn and Jane Grey are two of the best examples in this category. They're attackers were very good at poisoning history against them for centuries. I hope now their story is being told... this film only covers Lady Jane Grey, and there are many, many more 'forgotten martyrs' then just these two women. If you go and see this (and I want to) make sure to give a great round of applause for J&J productions!
If you can't come to the festival, please consider purchasing some of the DVD's of some of the entries. I will be sure to review the films I see (briefly) and I hope all I can give are full recommendations! (I have actually seen "Don't Loose Heart" and I know I can fully recommend that one already!)
P.S. sorry there's no photo. I don't have fast enough internet right here to properly load one up. I will see if I'm able to pre-post for next Wednesday (a day in which I am SURE I will not have internet), but if I can't, that's why. Not good enough internet... :/ After we get back from all the trips this won't be a problem anymore, so you can hopefully look forward for posts from me every Wednesday at a reasonable hour (I'll try to post mornings)
I encourage you to read the Proverb/Psalm for each day. It's way more fulfilling then I ever thought possible! :)