Well, last week was one of THOSE weeks. If you know what I mean....It flew by so fast. And naturally I didn't get half the stuff done that was on my list..:P But memories were made, I learned more about God's Word, and I did get some things in my life figured out. :)
This picture is pretty un-creative, I just didn't have time to go actually TAKE a picture for my post today...I had to look in my old files. But I took it at a Cider pressing one of the family's in my church does every year! We always have lots of fun...And eat lots of 'apple' things.
The picture just amuses me, for no other reason than this, I have ALOT of nick-names, and so when I get a cup I never write a particular one, it's always different. So I sorta confuse myself when I'm looking for my glass. ;) I guess I just need to get better at recognizing my name(s)!!
I love you all!
Happy Tuesday,
P.S. Guessed the mystery theme yet??
Awesome Trish!
no clue what the theme is.....hmmmm.hint?