Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This is my FAVORITE person in the whole, entire world. My twin, Mary. We do everything together, and a few weeks ago one of friends did a photo shoot of us for our birthday.

I looooove how the pictures turned out, just because we have always wanted to document how much we like each other, and we finally did!

She's the most wonderful person, we get so (slap) happy when were together, and she puts up so nicely with me. Even though I have a tendency to call her 'terms of endearment' that aren't exactly...standard. (right now it's 'muffin'. But there have been waaaaaay odder ones!) All in all, I think everyone should have someone who's always there for them, and who they can tell all their secrets too. She's the best thing God's ever given me. <3



  1. soo swwet! i know how you feel about your twin...it's sorta like quads. :)
    i love the picture!


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