Monday, November 19, 2012

Patricia :: Thanksgiving

Here in Colorado the leaves are almost all gone. The trees are bare  now, which means Winter is coming. Brrrrrr. 
All those trees (well I guess we don't have a ton of them here) without leaves just looks so different to me. 
It looks: strange.different.odd.wrong.  Something just isn't right. But when I look at a tree these days, I remember the leaves it had during Summer and Fall, how beautiful it looked, and I know it's just part of God's plan.
We love beautiful things, but if everything was beautiful, we wouldn't even KNOW what beauty is. Funny how that works out. It's kind of a picture of how if we were perfect as humans then we wouldn't need God. Or even know that He is perfect. 
So I'm thankful for the leaves that go and come. And I'm thankful that I'm NOT perfect, so that's God's glory and perfectness can shine through me. 
xox trishy

1 comment:

  1. Very true! What a beautiful example of truth! :) Thanks for sharing. :)


Thanks for sharing!

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