I don't know the topic for this week, but I really felt led to share this with you girls in hope that it would encourage you!
I want to share a little testimony about what the Lord has been teaching me lately.
kinda , you could say, a weird topic to have a testimony on, but
anyhow, its has been something the Lord has been teaching me!
You see, I have
had this problem. A busy-body problem. I constantly find myself wanting
to go to everything that goes on around me. I had this attitude of 'I
CAN'T miss it'.
For the longest
time, if something I was looking forward to got canceled, I would get
depressed, sad, and sometimes I even noticed a smidgin of anger rise in
me. You could say, I had a case of "Way to 'busy-body'-isum.'
In September of last year, God really started, 'poking' me in this area.
Lots, and I mean LOTS of stuff started not going my way.
Many, Many activity's I looked forward too all year long, began getting canceled.
So as big,
exciting things, in which I was excited for, got canceled, my eyes got
open wider and wider to the fact that I was spending to much time
dwelling on things that really didn't matter. Of course, don't get me
wrong, friendships are VERY important. But what about my personal
relationship with family, and most importantly Christ! That should be
the most important, special thing in my deepest desires!
This past
weekend, (3-24-13) something big happened. For a long time, I had been
sooo looking forward to visiting with a young lady, whom has been a
dear, Christ-like example in my life. She had moved away last year, and
this visit was really special to me.
I was sooo excited! And then, ''tragedy" happened..........OK, it wasn't "tragedy ", but you get the point.
It was really sad.
STARTED. SNOWING. Church got canceled due to weather conditions, and my
chance to see Maurya fell through. I felt so discouraged, and I'm not
even the one that doesn't get to see her church-family ever. Maurya must
have been devastated.
My friends, I had
made a huge mistake. I didn't lay my will into the Lords will. I didn't
give Him all my desires and say 'Yet not what I will, but what You
will.'- Mark 14:36.
I really felt like the Lord was telling me it's time for my will to be fully His.
(And this is the amazing part!)
I sat down and prayed. I told my Savior, whom I owe everything, 'not what I will, but what You will'.
Not minutes, more
like seconds after I laid my disappointment down before Christ..... God
opened an opportunity for me to see Maurya!
God does amazing things when we submit everything to Him!
reminded of the verse Mark 11:24 'Therefore I say unto you, What things
soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye
shall have them.'
I fully desired Gods will, and God blessed!
feel refreshed and encouraged that Gods will IS, in fact, always the
best, even when we don't understand why. I mean, maybe God didn't want
church that morning so we wouldn't get in an car accident on the way
Maybe He simply wanted us to concentrate on Him that morning, alone, as a family.
Now here's the
thing... Not every time you lay something before Christ and ask Him to
let His will be done will you receive what you desire. But the good news
is, His will, will be done NO MATTER WHAT, so if you have already
excepted Gods will as the best, it makes it easy to accept.
Sometimes the Lords answer is, YES! Sometimes it is, NO.
But other times, it's a simple 'I have something even better planed.'
prayer for you, dear sisters, is that you would desire with all your
heart, soul, and mind to make your will in your life, totally His!
Maurya and I. Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times |
I love you, dear Sisters in Christ! May God's blessings be rich for you!
Kallie Michelle