Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Esther is back........ :)

Hello Gals! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying life to its fullest!  I have been encouraged lately to enjoy serving others, enjoy the work the Lord gives me, and to appreciate the little lessons that the Lord is teaching us to become more like Him.  I have been REALLY encouraged by reading "Stepping Heavenward". If you haven't read it I would encourage you too. It tells the story of a young women trying to be more like Christ, of her struggles and triumphs, and how her relationship with Christ grows deeper as she learns to trust in Him!  She is a good example to me.

 I also wanted to share about a blog that has been a big blessing in my life!  Lauren is a Godly young women who is seeking the Lord and encouraging others to do the same.  I have enjoyed seeing her perspective and her fun way of enjoying life as she honors the Lord!  Check out Lauren's blog Here!


1 comment:

Thanks for sharing!

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