Psa 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
As beautiful as this rose is, it will one day fade, so will all things, and all people. Are you ready?
I took this photograph last year in our garden. I then edited it on Picnik for a more "ethereal" kind of look.
As beautiful as this rose is, it will one day fade, so will all things, and all people. Are you ready?
I took this photograph last year in our garden. I then edited it on Picnik for a more "ethereal" kind of look.
Beautiful rose, Natalya - great first post! Can't wait to see more from your perspective. :)
Great post!
ReplyDeleteLooking foward to seeing your side of life!
Ask Patricia about my love for picnik!
ha ha.... :)