It is funny that we all have done acting for our pictures! My sisters and I are on the American Girl Drama Team. We do american girl stories when we are younger, but as we get older the productions become more challenging, such as "Little Women" and "Lost and Foundling".

These are our dresses from a few Colonial and Prairie performances. (The first picture doesn't really look like me, but oh well.) I have been reminded lately how special my sisters are, and how it should be considered precious to have siblings to share life with.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 "Two are better than one because they have a better return for their labor. If either falls down, the other is there to catch them. Pity anyone who falls and has no one there for them to help them up again. Also, when two lie down beside each other, they keep warm and how can one be warm by themselves? Although one person may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A chord of three ropes is not easily broken."
Pictures by our brother, August 2011
Love your dress!