Tuesday, October 18, 2011

...::Patricia::.... {Week...I lost count:}

Okay. I went to post today and realized I have no recent pictures of my family! Crazy. So here is a compilation of some different photos. All my family members should be in at least one:)
My Mom with her mom.
My only brother, Robert still likes to climb trees at the age of 20 almost 21.
My dad and my oldest sister Katie. (she is 22)
My cousin Cora (left), and my 19 year old sister Elizabeth.
Me, Katie and my twin Mary on the way to Breckenridge.
Me, Mary (were 15 almost 16) and our good friend Anna!

Well, I hope that wasn't too confusing:) But that's my family.
Au Revoir,


  1. Great pictures! Isn't the family a huge blessing the Lord has given us?!!!!
    Hope you have a good day Trish,

  2. Hey Trishie, I really like the picture of you guys going up to Brechenridge!!!!! Very Cool!!!!!!!!!! Hope Chartier.

  3. Hey Trishie, I really like the picture of you guys going up to Brechenridge!!!!!!! Very Cooool!!!!!!1 Hope Chartier


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