Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Esther: Summer 2012

 I had a awesome summer!  It was full of fun trips to see good friends and family!  I had the privilege this summer to be one of my cousins bridesmaid!  It has always been one of my dreams to be in a wedding! It was such a special time!

Here are some of the pictures:

This one was taken right before we went outside to walk down the aisle!

This is my siblings and I before the wedding! L-R: Andy, Me, Billy, Amy and Katie.

Here is the bride with all the bridesmaids! L-R: Precious (sister of bride), Mariah (sister-in-law), myself (cousin of brides), Erin (THE BRIDE!), Mycah (sister of bride), Bailey (sister of bride), and the flower girl (cousin of bride).

The wedding day reminded me of this verse: 
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." Philippians 4:4


  1. Oh how exciting to be in a wedding!! Its always been my dream too ;), only it hasn't come true yet ;)

    Miss you!
    XOXO- Hanna

  2. I agree with Hanna. ^^ I want to be in a wedding!!!

  3. LOVE these pictures Es! great to see you back on blog. see you soon~!


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