Guess who's here today?! My sister, Laina, is home from college for her Fall Break!!! How dear she is. There are some things in life that you ponder how on earth God ever saw fit to give you such an incredible blessing. My sisters are one of those. I am blessed beyond belief to call them my sisters. So thankful for all the times we have shared together.
So glad to haver her with us this weekend!! :D
Laina and I goofing around at an antique store. :) |
Love this silly girl! To give you a taste of my hilarious Laina, here's a video from her last birthday, where we told her that in reminiscence of her 1st birthday she had to eat her cake with no hands. :) Enjoy!
Have a joyous day! :D
"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.'" ~Psalm 126:2
Ha ha!!! Funny movie!!!