Monday, July 4, 2011

Emily Week Five

I am so excited! My photography is taking off. A few local stores downtown have asked for a total of about 15 photos! I even sold one today. (my first sale:) Please pray for God's will to be done...I'm really excited about where it's heading though. Actually, right now, I can hear the printer printing off the pictures. (for those of you who don't know, my dad owns a print shop) I can't wait to see them framed!
This is a picture I took of our sunflowers. We had so many blooming, but this was the prettiest.
By the way, thanks to all who endured my last post with my brother! :)

"Behold, the beauty of the Lord."

Taken summer 2011 by Emily Rhea.

P.s. As I looked at the date for today, it dawned on me: July 4th! Sorry for not being too patriotic! Have a Happy 4th of July.

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