Tuesday, July 12, 2011

...::Patricia::...(Week Six)

1 Timothy 6:17
"Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy."
God, life is what You make it, not what we do alone.

My cousin Cora took this picture.
Mary, her and I all did a photo shoot at our park one afternoon.
It was lots of fun, of course:)
This is one of my favorite pictures, (and not because it's me!) just because of the randomness and the fun writing on it...That's Picnik for you...Another reason why you should use it!


  1. That skirt is so cute Trish! I am glad ya'll are having fun with your cousin Cora!
    Thanks for the encouraging verse!
    Love You, Esther

  2. I love that verse!
    Cool picture...cute skirt btw.
    You really love picnik don't you? :)
    What camera do you shoot with?

  3. Thanks Esther! We did have fun with Cora...Sadly she is gone now:( But in a week we are going to Florida to see her! I can't wait:)

    Yes Emily, Picnik makes me happy:D As for my camera...Haha. I laugh because I don't even know. But I can tell you it is nothing special. Just a little digital one that cost fifty bucks! I am saving for a better one..But with no job it'll take awhile.LOL Maybe that's why I love Picnik, it turns my normal pictures into amazing things! If you haven't tried it, you def. should.

  4. Keep saving up! It took me a few months to get mine ( my camera) but it is so worth it!
    Yes, I've tried picnic, and the only reason I don't use it is I don't have Internet access do I have to do Photoshop. picnik is so much easier believe me!
    Thanks for answering my question!


Thanks for sharing!

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