Tuesday, July 19, 2011

..::Patricia::...(Week Seven)

Dustan, the little bird...

Yesterday We were at Cheery Creek Reservoir with some friends. And one of them, Titus, found a little bird in the water.
The poor little thing couldn't fly because it's wings were wet. So it was drowning! But he saved it and then Mary and I took care of it.
It was shivering so bad we thought it was going to die of shock. Like the little bunnies do.
We dried it off, named it, and tried to get it warm. And thankfully it stopped shaking!
The sweet little thing wanted to fly so bad, it kept flapping it's little wings.
But they were still wet when we had to go.
We left the care of it to Titus, and I just pray it didn't die.... God knows how much we want it to survive...He was such a darling birdie.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father."
Mathew 10:29


  1. Aw <3 It was SO cute guys! and I really hope it survived Titus....

  2. I love that verse Trishy! I always realize how much God loves me when I read it.
    Dustan the Bird is so adorable!
    Esther Ruth


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